Meet Paul


I always had a love for athletics.  Growing up I played various sports such as soccer, hockey and basketball. In addition to loving the sport I participated in, I also loved the training.  This love for training put me on a path to expand my training knowledge and to help others on their journey to achieve their health and fitness goals.  I’ve been training/coaching for over eight years, starting my practice in CrossFit and Olympic Lifting. My certifications consist of CrossFit Level 1&2, Training For Warriors, and Youth Sports.  My clients’ goals and demographics are vast while having had the pleasure to help those looking for a healthier lifestyle and becoming in better condition.  I have also worked with youth athletes and professional basketball players.  No matter what your goals are, I can help.  I am excited to be at OVOX and hope to share my knowledge with clients who are serious in making a change and up for the challenge. When we train, we train; but when you do your cardio, I always love to talk movies and television, especially those based on comic books.

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