Are 6-Pack Abs A Myth?

Are 6-Pack Abs A Myth?

Are you chasing the washboard abs of the gods by chasing mythical information?  Just like a unicorn is fake, so are these tips about abs!

Paul Starnes NASM CPT, FNS. CES

Everyone wants flat abs that you can iron your shirt on.  Many have the false idea that to get abs you only have to do ab exercises. Let’s get right down to it, godly abs are not as hard as everyone makes it out to be.  However, they do require dedication, commitment and healthy eating. I’m going to debunk some of the myths out there.

  • Some Guys Just Have The Best Genetics

First of all, this is the biggest excuse out there.  Stop blaming your genetics for why you don’t have or just can’t see your abs.  Genetics determine how your six-pack looks, not whether you get one or not. Hard work determines the latter.  It boils down to one thing, and one thing only….how bad do you want it? Eating a proper diet with dedication and commitment will guarantee you 100% abs. Why is that? Well, because everyone has abs, but they are either stretched out from a sedentary lifestyle or, they are just covered by a layer of abs.

  • You Can Outwork A Bad Diet

LOL!  If you believe this then I’ve got a habitable planet in outer space that I want to sell you.  If you’re pounding down beers on happy hour or waiting to Friday to party your face off and get “hammered” I’ve got news for you guys, abs aren’t going to happening.  You have to be smart about this; calories your body doesn’t expend it stored as fat. And where do those calories go? That’s right, for many of us it covers up the abs.

  • This Will Burn Your Belly Fat!

Ok, here’s a BIG fact about the human body.  You CAN’T under ANY circumstances just target belly fat.  That’s not how the body works. It’s not possible to spot reduce fat on specific parts of the body. When you lose body fat it will come off of the whole body.  Notice I said BODY fat levels, not AB fat levels. Your body will only let your abs show when you lose enough body fat all over your body.

  • 4 Pack, 6 Pack, 8 Pack?

Remember I said everyone has abs, genetics just determine how they look.  Don’t get upset if you can only see a 4 pack but the friend can see a 6 pack.

  • Train your abs correctly

When the body fat lowers, abs will show.  Let’s train the abs so they look their best when the fat comes off.  The abs develop well with TUT. TUT = Time Under Tension.  Slow and steady wins the race and protects against spinal and back injury. Now, you don’t have to go at a snail’s pace, but work at a moderate to slow pace for maximal gain.  Using momentum for abs exercises, any exercise really, will limit your muscle building potential.

  • Give Your Abs A Rest Day

This one is a bit tricky.  You can work your abs everyday, but you have to be careful.  It’s one of the most important muscles in protecting the spine.  What you can’t do is high volume workouts on the abs everyday. It’s ok if you want to make planks your daily exercise routine finisher and maybe throw in some variations.  But, it’s not ok to do billions of crunches, leg raises and windshield wipers every day.  Gives your abs rest like every other muscle.

I hope this information helps you if you were making any mistakes on your quest for abs. Now go out there and get those abs that will make you look like a greek god!

Remember, form over function, grind your way to success and NEVER let anyone tell you what’s possible for you in life!  Go get it!


“I don’t know what you’re up against, I don’t know what you’re facing. But here’s what I do know: You’ve got something special, you’ve got greatness in you, and I know it’s possible that you can live your dream.” Les Brown


Martial Arts vs Kickboxing Fitness

Martial Arts vs Kickboxing Fitness

Hi everyone.  I received an email asking about martial arts in regard to our Kickboxing Fitness Classes.  I guess I should start by introducing myself.  My name is Stu Rosenstein, and I oversee the class schedule and content.  Along with my father Harry, we opened our first gym over 30 years ago.  However, we have been martial artists much longer than that.  My father started in Martial Arts beginning in 1959, myself in 1974. 

Though my love is in martial arts, when I started designing Kickboxing Fitness classes, I had to make a very conscience decision not to make them Martial Arts classes.  The reason is simple.  You cannot grasp Martial Arts in 5 minutes.  The goal for a Kickboxing Fitness class is to give the participant an engaging, high calorie burning workout through the use of various hand and leg strikes on a punching bag.  Besides the great workout, most find it to be a lot of fun!

Each Kickboxing Fitness class starts with a warm up, followed by an instructional segment.  There are 2 goals during the instructional segment: 1. We want the participant to know what to do when a strike command is given 2. We want the participant to not get hurt.  That’s it; know what to do and not get hurt.  We have some people take our classes that have boxing experience.  The way a boxer holds their hands up in a guard position is 100% different than how I, as a traditional martial artist, holds my hands.  The way a boxer jabs, hooks and punches is different than the way I jab, hook and punch.  So, during the instructional segment, if we can get the participant to know that a “jab” is done with the front hand, and they do not over extend their elbow, that’s perfect. It would be impossible to teach proper Martial Arts hand and leg techniques in 5 minutes.  I have been doing traditional Martial Arts for close to 45 years and my punch is “ok”, I still have a lot to learn. 

If anyone ever needs more instruction on the techniques that are used in our kickboxing fitness classes, please do not hesitate to contact me and I will make sure you receive some extra help.  If anyone ever has an interest to learn Martial Arts, we do provide one on one private instruction.

See you class!!