How to build big legs

I have a secret to tell you guys. If you train legs more frequently they will grow! The common training routine for legs is 1x per week. With one compound movement (squat, leg press, etc..) followed by isolation moments (leg curl, leg extension, etc..). Leg day can always seem like an intense workout. You may also feel very sore days after training legs and not want to come close to training them again for at least another 5-7 days. The strange thing is if you were to train them more frequently it would actually make them feel less sore. Training legs 2-4x per week is ideal for growth. Here’s what you should focus on. Lower body compound movements such as back squat , front squat, leg press, Bulgarian split squat and deadlifts. Make it your goal to add 30-50lbs to each lift by next year. Each time you train legs do a different rep range and add variety such as pauses, chains, bands, and tempo. One day you can do volume (5×5,4×10 etc). The next can be more heavy and intense (work up to 1 rep max, 5×3). This does not mean you’re neglecting your upper body. You can squat in the beginning of a workout and follow them up with an upper body workout. Give this a try and make sure you’re eating right, drinking plenty of water and stretching post workout. Recovery is very important when training muscles more frequently. 

-Dan, OVOX Trainer

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